The Pink CLOUD*

For a one years ago did, J go past a table in the hospital. It was a table who sell pink ribbon to them, who want support the cancer fund. Cancer and such of stuff is not mine thing. The God had heal mine lung several years ago, and so on... Sometimes have God a purpose and sometimes it can be dangerous. Why, must J go in the point of this experience?

This time when the cancer information table was again in the hospital with all this pink ribbon. But, this time J stop and go to the woman with a pink ribbon on her blouse and started to give this woman a testimony ..."Once J had a letter from laboratory experiment about canser and they call me to surgery. But, J did not belief this test. They told me, to come to ultrasound a some kind of TV. And they say, in this screen is cancer. J told them, You must make a complaint about this ultrasound TV. J HAVE NO CANCER! (Send it back to manufacture!!!) But, this head doctor call me back to hospital again. And J started to give him a testimony about, Jesus in mine life. He was as a dry wood. The doctor did give me a surgeon time in hospital. J told him, J do not want to a surgical operation. Doctor say to me, "You have only one year to live!" J told him, we live in 2008 and J believe in God. 2008 should hospital have modern technique do this kind of surgeon. J DO NOT COME! Mine friend Evangelisth Sergio pray and J believe in pray to God. The third time, did doctor give me a telephone call. "J take only out, this cancer meat in Your body so come tomorrow." So J go there this morning and J was not glad. They send this dead meat laboratory experiment and called me, to this doctor. He say, J took out 3 cancer and somehow had this time laboratory experiment a news to You, than at first. Thus 3 is harmless cancer. YES, GOD IS INVOLVED IN THIS MATTER, J HAVE NO CANCER! But, doctor say. "You must go this radiation in one month everyday." You know a red and a green ray and after that You are a brown as a african. At last they scanner top to toe and NO CANCER! AMEN"

Bishop Pastor Casin, Belgium say that God send, him to Sweden the Church to tell me that cancer was not a normal cancer and Pastor Tangata, England, say also what other the said "You have so many many, enemy!" Yes, J know that and The God do protect me against thus enemy but Bishop Pastor Casin said: God say, that YOU HAVE NOT DO ANYTHING WRONG! Yes, J know that to. Pastor Sanroos, Sweden, say once that they lie about me and try to also hurt mine service in The Church! Yes, J know that to. J have a medical certificate strengthen NO lung cancer. The God left only a small memory mark that "J have been a smoker". J have also 3 a piece of cut a´ 5 centimetre as a memory about The Pink CLOUD* and a gift from the cancer fund and J have a medical certificate NO CANCER in mine body*
Once before the dark days come, before J was near to die with lung problem.
Was a Pastor from Finland Kallionpää in Pentacostal Church Westeras, Pastor had asked the God: "Why do she that?"
The God gave a answer to Pastor Kallionpää, Finland and Pentacostal Church in Westeras:
" L O V E "
The God said: "she do that only for, L O V E!"
Pastor kallionpää said, to God she can die and is dangerous.
She did pay a HIGH PRICE!
The God said: "She do that only for, L O V E!"

-Today do this, head doctor believe in the God *

-Because, The God mixed upp The diagnosis *
"J have NO time to DIE!"



....When he had come, he greatly helped those who had believed through grace; Ap. 18:27

Grace and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Savior!


Ambassadress of Jesus, Birgit in SWEDEN * * *

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